Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Future Plans

Do I plan to use this blog for personal or professional growth? I don't think that I am ready to implement blogs in my classroom curriculum. However, I think that I would like to use this blog for both personal and professional growth and learn more about how to navigate through this website. I have a lot to learn and doing it and browsing thru the different settings and tools I think I will learn more about blogs and how to start using it in the classroom. I also feel that blogs and the use of technology, maybe is a little more appropriate for upper grade students. I will be teaching first grade next year so I don't think I will be using it next year. This just means I have more time to learn and be able to use it in case I get fourth or fifth grade the year after that.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Incorporating Podcasting and Video Streaming

After reading and browsing through all of the possible ways an educator can incorporate podcasting and video streaming I was very amazed. There are numerous ways a teacher can bring videos to the class and make these projects meaningful to the students. I read on one of my comments left by another participant from the class that these kind of technology tools are second nature to our students and that is so true. I feel so intimidated by all of these rapid growing technology but nowadays this is what makes our students learn and motivated. The readings for this week mentioned that this is a simple, innovative, and exciting medium for teaching and learning and it seems like it is. However, I still need a lot of learning and practice to do before I could feel comfortable bringing to the classroom. I guess that once it is ready to be implemented the podcasting and video streaming can be become simple to produce and can be accessible to anyone at anytime. I guess that's the beauty of it. Maybe one day I will be able to learn more about it and start using in my own classroom. Thank you to all of those who have ready my posts and left comments. I have read some good comments with suggestions on how to use these new technology tools in my classroom.


I am just amazed with all of the different technology tools and advantages I keep learning about in this course. I feel so overwhelmed with all of this information. I think that in order to be able to incorporate all of the technology tools from this course such as the blogs and wikis your school has to have access to computers and have the time to teach students how to use technology too. Anyhow, if all of these components were covered this is how I would use a wiki in my classroom. I think that it would be a great way to have students do research on any particular topic and also able to share with others and collaborate. It could be a great way for the students to Interact and get Ideas from one another for their projects, especially If they are working together as a team and might not have the flexibility to meet face-to-face. I think that a possible project I could do with my students is a California Mission project. I would give each member of the team different roles and tasks and they would have to work together communicating via a wiki or blogs.